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Monday 12 December 2011

12th December - Kon Tum

Have had a relaxing day recovering from two long days on the bike.  Bad case of chauffeur's arse, all that bouncing around, and aching arms and shoulders from holding the handle bar for hours and hours.  Yesterday's ride was particularly long and tough.  I had my first puncture which was pretty scary at the time but quickly fixed.  It was a relief to get to Kon Tum which is a small sleepy town on a plateau in the mountains.  There are a number local ethnic minority 'tribes', as they are described, one of which, the Bahnars more or less coexist within Kon Tum itself.  So I walked to see this village on the edge of town.  Lots of stares, smiles and giggly hellos from the children.  The only unfriendly looks were from the dogs who clearly don't see many people looking like me; they fairly snarled at me so am glad I took those rabies innoculations. 

Like the Maori people in New Zealand, the Bahnars have their own meeting house called a Rong.  Here's a photo of the one I saw today; it's quite an impressive structure.

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